
On Sunday, May 24 from 11 AM - 12 noon I am hosting a free Photo Share for Mental Health Awareness month and the NAMI Walk:   https://www.eventbrite.com/e/photo-share-for-mental-health-awareness-nami-tickets-105270894078?utm-medium=discovery&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-source=strongmail&utm-term=listing


I am a photographer who celebrates the joy of color. I seek to honor spontaneous interactions through chronicling the moving, and at times humorous, juxtapositions of rich and poor; high taste and high tack; glamour and grit. I instinctively incorporate background people as a Greek chorus to illustrate organic street scenes in which vivid characters, hue, and form coalesce in an ephemeral and profound instant.  I focus on the culture of place and myth through the lens of ordinary street life, to unveil images from the collective unconscious.

Since 1997, I have been photographing in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn.  My formative experiences have also included documenting Jewish life in Uganda for a year, and coaching veterans and at-risk youth, using photography as a therapeutic medium. I am currently working on a photographic book about my late mother with end-stage Alzheimer’s, in which I combine my photographs from the last year of her life with family photographs and archival images to celebrate her legacy.

For fine photography prints, please contact me directly. For my commercial photographs, please visit YAG.




ph. 347 348 2929